WIG Builder Tool & Scorecard



WIG Builder Tool

  1. Brainstorm ideas for the WIG.
  2. Brainstorm lag measures for each idea (from X to Y by when).
  3. Rank in order of importance to the organization or to the overall WIG.
  4. Test your ideas against the checklist on the following page.
  5. Write your final WIG.

Ideas for the WIG

Current Result

 (From X)

Desired Result

(To Y)


(By When)




Final WIG(s)


Did You Get It Right? WIGs

Check off each item to ensure your team WIGs and lag measures meet the standard.

  • Have you gathered rich input both top down and bottom up?
  • Will the Team WIG have a clear, predictable impact on the overall organizational WIG or strategy, not just on team performance?
  • Is the Team WIG the most impactful thing the team can do to drive achievement of the overall WIG?
  • Does the team clearly have the power to achieve the WIG without heavy dependence on other teams?
  • Does the WIG require the focus of the entire team, not just the leader or the subgroup?
  • Is the lag measure written in the format “from X to Y by when”?
  • Can the WIG be simplified any further? Does it start with a simple verb and end with a clear lag measure?

Lead Measure Builder Tool

  1. Insert the Wildly Important Goal and the lag measure in the top box.
  2. Brainstorm ideas for the lead measures.
  3. Brainstorm methods for measuring those ideas.
  4. Rank in order of impact on the WIG.
  5. Test your ideas against the checklist on the following page.
  6. Write your final lead measure.

Ideas for lead measures

How to measure?



Final Lead Measures


Did You Get It Right? Lead Measures

Check off each item to ensure your team’s lead measures will move the lag measure of the WIG:

  • Have you gathered rich input on the lead measures from the team and others?
  • Are the lead measures predictive – that is, the most impactful things the team can do to drive achievement of the WIG?
  • Are the lead measures influenceable? That is, does the team clearly have the power to move the lead measure?
  • Are the lead measures truly measurable? Can you track performance on the lead measures from day one?
  • Are the lead measures worth pursuing? Or will the data cost more to gather than it’s worth? Will these measures lead to unintended consequences?
  • Does each lead measure start with a simple verb?
  • Is every measure quantified-including quality measures?

Scoreboard Builder Tool

Use this template to create a compelling scoreboard. Test your ideas against the checklist on the following page.


Lag Measure


Lead Measure 1



Lead Measure 2





Did You Get It Right? Scoreboard

Check off each item to ensure that the team scoreboard is compelling and will drive high performance.

  • Has the team been closely involved in creating the scoreboard?
  • Does the scoreboard track the Team WIG, lag measures, and lead measures?
  • Is there a full explanation of the WIG and measures along with the graphs?
  • Does every graph display both actual results and the target results (Where we are now? Where should we be?)?
  • Can we tell at a glance on every measure if we’re winning or losing?
  • Is the scoreboard in a highly visible location where the team can see it easily and often?
  • Is the scoreboard easy to update?
  • Is the scoreboard personalized-a unique expression of the team?

WIG Session Agenda Tool

Distribute this agenda electronically on paper at the beginning of the WIG Session. After you hold the session, check it against the criteria on the following page.

Wig Session Agenda




Individual Reports

Team Member




Scoreboard Update


Did You Get It Right? Cadence of Accountability

Check off each item to ensure that the WIG session will drive high performance:

  • Are you holding wig sessions as scheduled?
  • Are you keeping the sessions brief, brisk, and energetic (twenty to thirty minutes)?
  • Is the leader the model for reporting and making commitments?
  • Do you review an updated scoreboard?
  • Do you analyze why you’re winning or losing on each measure?
  • Do you celebrate successes?
  • Do you hold each other unconditionally accountably for your commitments?
  • Does each team member make specific commitments for the coming week?
  • Do you clear the path for each other, finding ways to help team members who encounter obstacles to keeping their commitments?
  • Do you keep the whirlwind out of the WIG session?

4DX Frequently Asked Questions

* Generating Buy-In and Commitment to 4DX.

What are the most common mistakes leaders make in implementing 4DX?

  1. ___________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________

How do you handle the resisters on a team?


What are the most common challenges of running 4DX every week? How do you deal with them?

  1. _____________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________

4DX Frequently Asked Questions

*Sustainability of 4DX

What types of recognition work best to keep our teams engaged?

  1. Public recognition of individual performance.


  1. Public recognition of team performance.


  1. Public recognition of execution launch.


  1. Meaningful celebration.


How do I keep coming up with new and fresh commitments every week?



Engage the team for higher performance.


Recognition and modeling.




4DX Frequently Asked Questions

*Sustainability of 4DX

As a senior leader, what is the most important thing I can do to sustain 4DX?



We’ve made fast progress on our WIG and it now seems that our team will exceed it. Should we raise the goal?



How do you know when it’s time to change a lead measure?



What defines a high-quality weekly commitment?

  1. Specific


  1. Aligned


  1. Timely


What should we do when the leader is on vacation? Should we cancel the WIG session?

  1. ______________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________

4DX - 5 Page Book Summary

The following is a summary and guide that I have compiled from the book The Four Disciplines of Execution. We have implemented this and it has produced great results. Here is a link to the 4DX site:  and a link to purchase the book on Amazon. See the end of the post to download your user guide.

Discipline #1: Focus on the Wildly Important Goals (WIG)

WIG: A WIG is an acronym for a “Wildly Important Goal”. A goal so important that not achieving it makes other achievements inconsequential.

Ask yourself: If every other area of our operation / my performance remained the same what is the one area where change could have the greatest impact?

The WIG can come from within the whirlwind i.e. fixing or improving something, or it can be something new outside the whirlwind. The organization will set a WIG (example: increase revenues from 10MM to 15MM by year end) and then teams within the organization will have WIG’s that support the overall WIG (improve sale conversion from 10% to 12% by year end)

WIG Rules

  1. No team should set / focus on more than 2 WIG’s at the same time
  2. The battles you choose must win the war (organizational WIG)
    1. DON’T ASK:  What are all the things I must do to win this war
    2. DO ASK:  What are the fewest battles necessary to win this war.
  3. Sr Level leaders can veto but not dictate what the sub WIG’s
    1. WATCH OUT!  The level of engagement in creating the WIG will = the level of commitment to achieving it.
  4. All WIG’s must be in the form of X to Y by when.

Discipline # 2:  Act on lead measures

Lead Measure: The measure of an action planned and taken as a means to achieving a WIG

Great teams invest their best efforts in those few activities that have the most impact on the WIG’s. These are called the lead measures. Achieving your WIG is like trying to move a giant rock Its not a question of effort. Effort isn’t enough. Lead measures act like a lever making it possible to move that rock. Ultimately the lead measures that your team chooses is their strategic bet that moving them will move the WIG.

Lead measure tests:

  1. Must be predictive of achieving the WIG
  2. Must be influence-able by the team

Watch out! Lead measures are the most difficult aspect of 4DX

  1. They can be counter-intuitive. Most leaders are used to looking at lag measures
  2. They can be hard to keep track of.
  3. They can look simple with a precise focus on a single behavior.

Two types of lead measures.

  1. Small outcomes focus the team on weekly or daily results but give members of the team latitude to choose their own method.
  2. Leveraged behaviors focus on specific behaviors from the team member.

(deciding which lead measure to use will depend on your team)

Discipline # 3. Keep a compelling scoreboard.

Discipline #3 is the discipline of engagement. Even though you have defined a clear and effective game in disciplines 1 and 2, the team won’t play at their best unless they are emotionally engaged and that happens when they can tell if they are winning or losing.

3 Principles

  1. People play differently when their keeping score.  If you’re not keeping score you’re just practicing.
  2. A coach’s scorecard is not a players scorecard. A coach’s scorecard is complex. A players scorecard is simple. Think of a basketball game. The coach is keeping track of all sorts of data on things like field goal %, steals, blocks, 3 pointers, etc, etc. The players scoreboard is simple. It shows a handful of measures that indicate to the players at a glance if they are winning or losing the game.
  3. The purpose of the scorecard is to motivate the players to win. Watch Out! The more the team is involved in designing the scoreboard, the more likely it will instill their ownership.

Discipline #4. Create a Cadence of Accountability

This is the discipline of accountability. Even though you’ve designed a game thats clear and effective, without consistent accountability the team will never give their best efforts to the game. This is done with WIG sessions. A WIG Session has a singular purpose: To refocus the team on the WIG despite the daily whirlwind. It takes place regularly, at least weekly and sometimes more often. It has a fixed agenda as follows:

WIG Session Agenda

  1. Review. Leader to review the scoreboard.
    1. Learn from successes and failures.
  2. Report. Each team member to report on last week’s commitments.
    1. State the commitment
    2. State its outcome
  3. Plan: Clear the path by removing obstacles and make new commitments that will raise the lead measures to the required level of performance the coming week. Leaders should guide the team in making commitments that have the highest impact using the following guidelines.
    1. One or two high impact commitments at most
    2. Specific. Exactly what will you do and what is the outcome?
    3. Should start with “I”. Its a personal commitment.
    4. Timely. Must be able to be competed in the coming day / week.
    5. Must be directed at moving the lead measures on the scoreboard.

Watch Out! Common pitfalls

  1. Competing whirlwind responsibilities. Don’t let the whirlwind in the WIG Session.
  2. Ask how will completing this will affect the scoreboard?  Stick to specific outcomes.
  3. Repeating same commitment more than two weeks
  4. Accepting unfulfilled commitments

Over all, this is an awesome book and a great way to help build businesses. I have put together a user guide for you to use to start implementing these steps in your business. It is filled with questions that you should be asking yourself and your staff, and ways to tell if you are using the steps to your fullest potential.


Also read WIG Building Tool & Scorecard