*Note: Generic templates, checklists & e-guides for all 7 delivery systems are NOT AVAILABLE FOR ALL NICHES

*Note: Generic templates, checklists & e-guides for all 7 delivery systems are NOT AVAILABLE FOR ALL NICHES yet but will be available soon to our biz members for all niches.

Each Quarter, You Enhance 1 of 7 Fulfillment or Delivery Systems (Continuous Innovation):

The number two reason that most small businesses fail [is] because they don't have effective systems in place to convert leads into customers; deliver what they  promise & clients expect; and manage their growth.

Here is an outline of 7 generic fulfillment systems that you can setup yourself by using any off-the-shelf web based CRM software & your niche specific processes & checklists—or if you're a member—you can use Maxment provided niche specific processes & checklists for FREE*:

Each Quarter, You Setup/Maintain 3 FREE Lead Generation (or Marketing) Systems*:

The number one reason most small businesses fail is because they don't have system(s) in place to generate referrals & leads consistently on autopilot.

Here is an outline of 3 generic lead generation systems that you can setup yourself—or if you become a member—Maxment will setup & maintain for you on a pay per sale basis without any upfront cost:

Each Quarter, You Answer / Update 6 Questions:

The 6Qs are based upon two best selling books: 'The Advantage' by Patrick Lencioni & 'The Five Most Important Questions by Peter Drucker (the father of business management) with Jim Collins (the author of Good to Great) & Philip Kotler (the author of Principles of Marketing).

These 6Qs will align everyone in your internal and external team to your company's mission & purpose

  • Q1. What is our purpose? -- it could be to build a million dollar business (or to help your employees to earn above average income or anything else)

  • Q2. What are our core values? -- your two or three core values or beliefs that you live by.

  • Q3. What do we do? -- your core product or service -- your guarantee --your core customers.

  • Q4. How will we succeed?--names of all business systems that you have in place (or will have soon) to achieve your stated purpose.

  • Q5. What is important now? your ONE financial goal and ONE non-financial goal (or OKRs) for this quarter that should help you achieve your 3-year vision and life time vision.

  • Q6. Who does what? -- your organizational or responsibilities chart to achieve your Q5 goals.

Note: In most cases, answers to Q1 to Q4 will remain the same from quarter to quarter—even from year to year. You just need to update Q5 & Q6 from quarter to quarter. To learn how to use 6Qs, check this link.

To manage 6Q10S, you just need to follow simple quarterly and weekly routines:

To manage 6Q10S, you just need to follow simple quarterly and weekly routines:

  • Each quarter, you answer or update 6 core business questions

  • Each quarter, you setup (once) & then maintain 3+ lead generation (or marketing) systems*

  • Each quarter, you setup (once) & then maintain 1 of 7 standard business fulfillment systems

  • Each quarter, you run 6Q10S governance meeting to setup quarterly goals and solve any governance related issues

  • Each week, you run 6Q10S tactical meetings to review weekly tasks and solve any operational related issues

(* Note: If you're a Maxment member, then, Maxment will setup & maintain 3+ lead generation systems for your business at no upfront cost.)